A year with Pack 1818 can include:
Weekend family camping (this is easy camping)
Model car and boat building and racing
Water rocket building and launch
A weekend trip to explore another city in the south
Hanukkah party
Decorating a Sukkah for the Cohen home
Community service
Annual Scout Shabbat
Shavuot hike
Food/clothing collection for our neighbors
Summer day camps (Cub Camp)
Programs with Reptiles and snakes
Lego robots
Movie night
Special Scout District and BSA Events
Visit a Fire/Police station
An American flag retirement ceremony
Learning to light a fire
Nature hikes
Cooking over a campfire
Attend a local football/basketball/baseball game
Bow and arrows
First aid training
A visit to Space camp
Local Science/History museum visits
Special on-line video and event access
Pack 1818 Upcoming Events- Fall 2023-Spring 2024
Sunday, August 27th: August Meet-and-Greet: Raingutter Regatta
Sunday, September 10th: Pack Kickoff/Sign-Up Day
September: Monthly grade-level den meetings begin
October 15: Pack meeting
October 23rd: Atlanta Kosher BBQ Fest booth
October TBA: Spooky-Ree Family Camporee @ Bert Adams
November Pack meeting 11/5 or 11/12
December 10: Hannukah Pack event
January 21: Pinewood Derby Pack event
Feb/March TBD: Blue & Gold Banquet; Big Trip to nearby city
March 3: Alanta Jewish Life Fest @ Georgia Aquarium
March 10: Pack meeting
April Spring Family Camporee
May 12 Pack Graduation and Crossover
Monthly summer gatherings and recruitment events
Refer a friend and be eligible to win a $25 gift card!
Contact 1818scouts@gmail.com for details and to RSVP!