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Frequently Asked Questions

Cub Scouts -vs- Scouts BSA (formerly Boy Scouts): How are we different? Cub Scouts have dens (groups of children--both boys and girls--in the same grade) ranging from rising Kindergarteners through 5th grade. Scouts BSA (formerly Boy Scouts Of America) start in 6th grade. Pack 1818 is a very family-oriented pack; we encourage siblings, dads, moms, and even grandparents to participate. Because our pack is 100% volunteer run, we require at least one parent/legal guardian or grandparent to be involved.


If your child is a 6th grader, they will need to join our Troop 1818 Scouts at


What is a Pack? A Pack is a collection of Dens (all of the children in K-5th together).


What is a Den? A Den is a group of 4-10 children and their parents or legal guardians divided by grade level. Your family will be put into one of the following: 

Kindergarten - Lions
1st grade - Tigers
2nd grade - Wolves
3rd grade - Bears
4th grade- WEBELOS
5th grade - Arrow of Light


Meeting Locations We hold Pack (all the Dens combined) meetings about once a month. Locations will depend on the activity involved.


Den meeting places and times depend on the individual dens. You, the parents, will decide as a group where you will meet. Some Dens meet at the MJCCA, others at local synagogues, private homes, or parks. Meetings are encouraged but NOT mandatory. We ask that you RSVP.


Meeting Times We generally hold our meetings on Sundays after Sunday school. We realize with sports and other commitments your child will not make every meeting. That is OK.


What are the Costs? Our yearly dues are nonrefundable per scout when you decide to join. The amount will be determined by the membership. Because this money only pays for half of our expenses, we ask that everyone actively help with our fundraising of popcorn or camp card sales (Girl scouts have cookies; we have Kosher popcorn). Your dues help cover: Neckerchief, patches, advancement awards, handbooks, national dues and insurance, plus a group T-shirt for each scout.


Some events and trips are an additional “pay-as-you-go” fee.


Uniform Requirements Your will need to purchase an official Cub Scout uniform shirt with appropriate patches, neckerchief slide and a cap. These can cost between $30-$90 depending on where you buy them. Your scout will also need a pair of generic navy pants for grades K-3. Grades 4 & 5 will need olive green pants and tan pants.


Can girls join Cub Scouts? Yes, but we will need 4 girls in the same grade and their parents to create a girl den. Contact us if this interests you.


How "Jewish" are we? We like to describe ourselves as "Kosher Style." We try to serve food that is circle K or U, and we try not to mix milk and meat, but we camp during the weekends. We try to discourage meetings on Saturdays. We tend to attract families from conservative, reform and unaffiliated Jewish communities.


Do I have to be a member of the MJCCA or a Synagogue to join? No, MJCCA or synagogue membership is NOT required.


Do I have to Volunteer? Yes. Pack 1818 is 100% volunteer run by very busy, hard working parents just like you. Scouting is about raising leaders, teaching ethics and civic duty. What better example to teach your child how to be part of a community than you? 


More Questions? Email us at

Let us know your name, your child's current grade, and how we can contact you.



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